Art Project - Settings for "The Lorax"

Earlier in the year, students had an opportunity to create their own setting from Dr. Seuss' The Lorax. 

We were studying setting at that time, and at literacy centres they had one period to finish their diorammas. This was an opportunity for students to transfer their knowledge of the book, the story and the colors into a beautiful piece of art. Not to mention, students were given a certain amount of play dough and one piece of cardboard to mount it on per group, so they had to talk about what they wanted to do and compromise.

All of them chose to do the more pretty/colorful settings, as opposed to The Onceler's House, which I think just speaks to the settings that appeal to them as young learners.

If there was more time, we could have done paper theatre plays within the settings where the trees were upright. Of course the book also ties in beautifully to themes of environmentalism, and thus could be used in science or social studies units about the planet and impacts of pollution.

Students also had an opportunity to reflect on the diorammas they liked, and why they liked them. "Everyone is an artist," but you can also find inspiration in other peoples' work!


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